Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Election 2008: Do you know the hidden power of your vote?

Author:Henk Mutsaers Source:none Hits:81 UpdateTime:2008-7-10 22:44:25

Do you know most people use their voting rights totally wrong?

What are your voting options at the 2008 election? Like many people, you got the idea once and a while that politicians have a short memory. Forget what you promised is like a disease called Alzheimer light. The thought comes often up in my mind; "Why should I vote next time?" Another option is a blanc protest vote. You demonstrate the unhappiness with the choice of candidates or current political system. On the other hand with a blanc vote you made a statement that you are involved. If you dont vote at all you also gives a sign its not worth to show whatsoever.

Do you know how youre vote really makes a difference?

If you think you did your duty by voting at the local elections and the new president, you forgot the most powerful option. You dont know how democracy really works. Oke, Ive said it. Did it hurt?

You got to know, when I point one finger at you, there are more fingers pointing in my direction. I too didnt use my voting rights to its full potential. We not only have the option to vote when they ask us to do so, but you have the power to vote every day, every hour and every minute!

The best way to vote is with your wallet! If I decide to buy some cheap products, perhaps I vote for child labor? Or the product I just bought helps a dictator in another country. Or worse, it gives fuel to a war. But if you don't know all these matters. You have to be well informed to have your vote counted for.

With these options your vote should be perfectly clear. If you go to the supermarket and buy heavily processed junk foods, you agree that those companies use all those chemical additives that undermine your health. An expensive health insurance system in the future is another hidden vote. If you have shares with Merck you dont bother that 78.000 people died using their painkiller Vioxx.

Those are only two examples where we as consumers have the power to vote with our wallet. If more people black label their products they must change their policy or go out of business. In the pre-Internet age those companies could influence us through the newspapers, radio and television. With the Internet everybody can share their opinion on a Blog or personal website and becomes a journalist.

Thats the reason why the Codex Alimentarius becomes a threat for our democratic rights. We become silent, the movie, makes this clear. You and I arent allowed to share our personal health experiences in combination with a product or service we use. This will be seen as an unlawful health claim. In fact, Codex will impact our right to vote and . democracy!

By looking at things differently, I decided the use my voting right on a 24 / 7 base. A man can have thousand wishes, but if you lose your health, youve got only one wish left. All governments in our western world have made thousands decisions over the past decades. If we put them on a old fashioned balance and at the other side we put Codex Alimentarius combined with our poor food quality and the helpless sickness industry. The balance will smash to the ground, so hard, all thousand other government decisions will splash against the sealing. That leaves me on a 24/7 scale with only one second left. Its the second that my government will ask me for my vote. Right now I will say; "Sorry but Ive got no time". Im too busy taking care for my personal health!

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