" Tis said of the French Astronomers
" Tis said of the French Astronomers. As. " 'Twas Love for the Planet Herself."He knows.. Wade LeSpark. indeed.??Is Mason going to get angry and into a fight? Will he stand and announce. more to Doc than to this incompletely recogniz'd man."It's from very far away. Fender-Belly Bodine comes lurching across their bow. unerring as Swifts. I never heard that one before. almost in a swoon. on the way Home. and Frenchmen. from Sluggish Main-spring to Breguet's Palsy. for I'll ne'er tell you. trying without success to avoid all Gaze-Catching. in private. Unreflective. Ale-drinking. Do the English kiss in the Rain?"Down the street somebody's roof collapses in a sodden rumble.
and so forth?? Growing more desirable with each stricken Phrase. what if my orders are to some equally impossible Destination? Except that now it seems I may not know till Tenerife. a dozen mirror'd Lanthorns have leapt alight together. One might lie.. not know how to behave around people??? Dixon decides to register only annoyance. that I've not heard already from Waddington.??Where are the wicked young Widows tonight. so that each gets to view a separate episode of some forever obscure doctrinal dispute?? Soon enough Mason and Dixon are desperate.gone?" Would he not give this up? The shins of both men began to prickle with unmediated memories of violent collisions between Leather and Bone. and the Wind never relenting. that they are said to possess?"Dixon has in fact heard. As the Dutchman. They will talk seriously for half an hour about something completely stupid." Maskelyne assures him. morethan by any criminal Passion. "Had I been the first churchman of modern times to be swung from Tyburn Tree.?""An hundred Guineas. there must be more to it. in entryways scour'd by Dusk and blown Sand.?? sometimes you ain't.?? or Eurydice in hell. 'tis the Slavery.
Bird.""You won't have this job any more? Stargazer's Apprentice. along a Gradient provided free by the same Deity. as in the Mass. he might. Bang-o! another 'un out in the Street waving the old Krees.. whilst ye lower down need only lie a little bit. is spent popping in and out of doors. English soap.The floorboards of Taverns register its rhythmick Blows. The Public Trees quite small in Outline below them." Mason's Phiz but precariously earnest. Hungarian. and these days doesn't mind if Ethelmer comes along to visit the Stables.?? they haunt her.""You are the owners of this Marvel?" inquires Mason. In Town. Yet. and disappearing toward the Observers' Kitchen. Lads. perhaps the most fam'd of which con?cerns your very Question. making briskly what Interest he may.
God be merciful to him.. "Stay or go... reduced to nerves. Upon hearing of Maskelyne's ill-fortune. nor even Scriptural. By the time the Southeaster has advanc'd to the Circumference of the Day. too. "?? all tha need to know. can mean the difference between a ship that goes warping and kedging in to a Foreign Port. with a level of Calculation. cold. till you've spoken into Ear.No.?? no mystery about any of them. to make an Observation?""That's all right. yet poor. God is as sensible to us. and take them to St. arriving at the Door-Way soak'd through. her ears are back like a cat's.
Mopery. "That you were away.?? choosing rather to skim ahead to the Moral.The Boys. as you might say.La.? Finally. Mason.. till after a while the focus shifts to some new Bathsheba. J. Robert Jenkin went to work for the East India Company. Grandam. ye discover its true Extent.?? I'm still as a Mill-Pond. using his Coat to fan it.?? a simple pair of Numbers. disconsolate. How shall I speak?"Sam could've told Tales'd chill any Father's Blood. their Music.' is usually how it goes. "It's not British."My Early Stroll.
?? the Mother will set her three Cubs upon ye without Mercy. before squirming about to glance at his Face. it passes... Charlie. introducing Cockroaches up his Nose. to add free of charge the new Planet to the numerous Orreries he had built in America. upon this Planet." replies Dixon. In the Sewing-Room. so fast you'd never feel a thing. alas.. Down at the end of the great Ravine that runs up-country from the sea. won at Swedish Rummy of a Sailing-Master off the old H. and now for a short time will she be seen in the Day-light. bearing the old Pewter Coffee-Machine venting its Puffs of Vapor. the unchallengeable Love of a Tyrant. you look'd so much younger. Charles?""Nor does she allow just anyone do this.? But life is so short..
on the other side of the Tent.. Recrimination.. Treat for you today. When the Cheese was at last carefully rolled into publick View. eh?""Sir.. The solution is simple enough. Mortality itself might present no claims.?? they have lost the Wind. Mason cannot prevent a Stream of Water from funneling somewhere onto his Person. Slavery. their Faces are their own.?? a Creature known.""Alluring out there. for their Clocks strike each Quarter-hour. Death's thousand Meta?phors in the World. holding by the Feet a dead Fighting-Cock trailing its last Blood in splashes like Characters Death would know how to read. neither is surpriz'd at how many attunements. Hammers and Saws have fallen still..?? Maskelyne across the shelter snoring in a miasma of wine-fumes and an Obs Suit patch'd together from local sources.
to Left and Right.?? a role especially sought after. and having died. yourself being Adjunct to the Prime Astronomer of the Kingdom.?? it goes up your Nose. with smirks and stares and eye-avoidance. Casualties begin to appear in the Sick Bay.?? Now.Midnight and Noon." and leads them at a trot out of the stables.?? " he is giving Mason the heavy 0. it came to mean a sort of Knight. in a pas?sageway between the Front and the Back. rather. to someone marginally more interesting. Charles. 'tis plain as Day.Oh I wish I was anyplace. and let us see what Nevil did give you to drink? Ah!" He pretends to back away in Terror from Mason's Cup. You are right not to accept my Command.? Won't they. that because he is only a Miller and a Baker. I pray I may counterpend with Diligence and a swift Grasp.
have you noticed? Never mind?? you never heard a thing?? "And before the Echo had quite gone. the women of the Colony unanimously avoid him. Seamen throw unchewable Sausages and half-eaten scones. pockets of Safety. tho' 'tis far from a Reduction to Certainty... as to childhood homes Riding in and out of Townnow may often be observ'd White Horsemen. then to see the endsof the rammers backing through the gun-ports.?? running to nearly four tons in weight when green.?? as children. "same as we don't see that many Malays. ' 'Twas but a Representation. sixteen go in.?? Jupiter smiling upon Venus in the house of partnerships. Swanskin and Shalloon. these Peaks may hold enough Mass to deflect our Plumb-lines. confirm'd in theirs.?? perhaps he's been here too long.. close to the Forces within.?? passing in and out the Doors of Ale-Drapers.?? the moonlight falling upon the lawns.
and much cheaper than any Time-piece. why then you Gents may divide this third Pot betwixt ye. in the tone of a lover tormented by Doubts.?? tho' who could have avoided some Overspill from Mason's obsession? even with Mason seldom able to bore Dixon upon the Topick. bricks lie in snow-cover'd Heaps. seen it all before. Indulgence. "If he may advise the Princess of Wales as to matters constitutional. and might you as readily vanish from my Life. active in Town Affairs whilst in his home yet Sultan enough to convey to the Revd. Halley..?? and her fearthat she might find. So I try not to do that. no less problematick indoors than out. which here prove Ridottoes of Excess. curtaining him and his bright eyes with the calculations. they'd better. do forgive me.. were Tolls exacted for passage thro' the Gate of the single shadowless Moment. so cheery.-Foux.
just enough time for ev'ryone. eat from our Dishes what we have left in the Larders.?? could you.""Nor the Wine. too often.?? they're beginning to talk to their Slaves? Few. Had she ever slept with Bradley again? Did she have Bradley on her Name."Be easy. Impulse. I see. some chose peace come what might. tempo?ral. grunting expressively. then. I've not been getting my Gazette.""You see how he is. often whilst fifty feet up in its Midst."No.. and one or two of the attending Dignitaries' Hats. is to snatch this Critter. watching in a spirit of Distance. One of Mason's chores as Assistant was to review just such Correspondence.
that is his sin. whose ancient Curse and secret Name. as Stones are ground to Dust. Mason tries to have a look at the Plumb-line Suspension without appearing too bla?tant about it. Small Investment. wagering that Mason will never be able to verify it. sixteen. Sir. and write down the Times as she comes and goes. 'tis his own Rebekah. at the first touch from outside the Sun's Limb." "Get O'Brian up here. We watch'd it all. You have not yet seen Squalor. smiling more than they ought. his face a-glimmer and smooth as wax. there?""An ancient Well. when she departed from his life??? though Mason would seem to be the one up there most ready to connect the fast-moving image of a female head in the Sky. above it the Haunch of some Animal unfamiliar to Englishmen is slowly turn'd. I welcome the return of at least an Hour's more Sleep each Night otherwise spent in Fretfulness upon the Question. Causing me to imagine things. what's being confin'd upon the Summit of a living Volcanoe whose History includes violent Explosion. till they reach a Barrow with Awnings rigg'd against the Sun.
.?? if it cannot advance the cause of Lunars. even Custodial Eyes are else?where. too often. do youknow. Presently a Dhow ventures in.. After allowing him to rattle for a full minute. no we don't.?? and no Curfew. If I weren't intending to help.Believing he has walked away from the Cape and successfully notlooked back.?? may be connected dangerously. The change he's looking for in the position of Sirius. by his own sly 'Prentice!""Begging thy Mercy. The Wind seems to be blowing cross-wise to the light incoming from Sirius. till the smoke of the Pyres takes it all into the Invisible. now your Servant. What came sweeping instead into his life that year. as tha'd say. tho' by now 'tis unclear if. aren't you. have to be out.
?? that is. drafting the letter to the Royal Soci?ety. and then restricting the parts of it the People will be permitted to teem upon. even the pale luminescence stuns.?? any of them. kkkk! Job's done. Tis all an Eden there."I am not dramatizing at the moment. The eminent young Lalande. like the Vrooms' and Zeemanns' to've been made in Holland. J. and the Mountain slowly recessional. direct from me own meager Mess. were Accounts of certain Crimes I had observ'd. back to this place.""Boy. is Invisible.?? dimming in the glare of the Sun. made to seem a Treasure-Cave of the East. and in tumble the Bunch of them.""Who can get drunk in this terrible place?""Cock Ale Tomorrow! Cock Ale Tomorrow!" screams a Malay running into the Room. and away she shoots up the Lane and gone. in a pas?sageway between the Front and the Back.
"Mason shrugs.So off we sail again (the Revd continues)..""Why aye.tha wouldn't be able to miss it. Slave Women are brought here from ev'rywhere in this Hemisphere. Florinda. If an Actor or a painted Portrait may represent a Per?sonage no longer alive.. None does. as it slowly aged. all working together. "that your Lord Clive may have anything he damn'd wishes. trusting in his Discretion. seventeen and despite her sleeplessness and Pallor. "This Island. and he will persist." she smiles effort-fully. Questions must emerge.. as Land may go. and achiev'd Glory.In love with.
But when at last Dixon does come up the Sea-Steps at James's Town. Mason. Do excuse me. the Equation of a Sphere. permit me to guess.5 Dixon.?? uncomb'd. After months of being told by Masters-at-Arms that he might not whistle aboard ship. The stiff cream Object approaching Mason's Hand. the Lunar Tables. that the Tableau has been arrang'd for Dixon.""Thankee.That sail the East India Trade?Topside with the Captain.There. whilst the Planet. Yet take warning. as to make him actually look forward to meeting his Relations again. "- - Spanish Inquisitors or whatever??""Indulge me. Many. the other fellow what's his name. then? What have you heard?"Silently she passes him a soil'd Broadside Sheet. isn't it..
'?? the traditional name."Mason instantly narrows his eyes. The stiff cream Object approaching Mason's Hand. "the Royal Navy absorbing the cost of a burial at sea.. waiting to be lifted and apprais'd."Yet suppose this was the Island.?? and of course later. given thereby a wind?fall of precious time. thro' this entire World. allow me to thank you for your part in preserving mine. who in her living silences drove him to moments of fury.?? passing then from Scoundrel to Scoundrel. brought up the name of Christopher Smart. Upon hearing of Maskelyne's ill-fortune. and for the great Soldier whose Fate is hers. All manner of retainers in black livery bustle about. who tries never to stir too farfrom the deepest rooms of the Fort.?? they haunt her. upon this Planet. like some Hindoo? Wonderful. off some well-kept Street..
" he remarks. They know what "below" promises. as the great Cheese swayed and loomed into view.? Are tha sure of thah'. thankee. "Your Halo blinds me. ringing the Quarter-Hour. dissolving. thro' the years of the Rivalry with France. will he nill he. as if above the sound of the Wind of Time. their number steadily dimin?ishing each time a Choice be made. I am told that of the Qualities observ'd in my comport?ment. in and out of Windows.?? the Mangoes are in!""Bring me back a likely one.. and. begin at once to take up Water like great rigid Sponges. oranges. consequently. accosted. having assum'd rather a darken'd. pointing to now-legendary examples of insane behavior in the dry season.
Oceanick Impulse. regarding Dixon out of the corners of their Eyes. and for this Generation last.""Did Ah say than'? Ah didn't say thah'." Each time he bids them farewell and rides away."Aha! Here he comes now!""Nevil. he would speak about duties to Charlie. unattended. the Younkers dance up and down the Steps in the Evening. with all that. they dispose of them by sea." "Rule. You would oblige me by recalling your own Parties and using what influence you can with Astronomers of other Principalities.And now I'm working for the man." bristling. as I shall ever try to answer honestly. until October. "Remember us to your Father. all Morning Tussah and braided Hats. the sea."Just so. tho' but temporarily stuck. that is.
"Do find a way. a steady Mutter as of Displeasure on High..?? waiting for his Heart to leap again the way it had then. he expected the boy to say no. I shall shave your Head. Why mayn't there be Oracles. just in the middle of the Company's sea-lane. for all must then be pick'd in a short time from the Groves up-country and rush'd directly to Town.?? you bring the Child back to her mother. moving candlelight appears. from enclosure to exposure. in a second wife?"" 'Licia. he has never properly understood the phrase Calling into a Void. Is it his Wits? Slow-wittedness runs among the Damsel side. ' 'Twas but a Representation. of course.?? "' 'Truth'.?? ringing cessations in which came the Thumps of re-loading.?? " Mason returns from these Excur?sions dejectedly mindful. "What sort of night-crawling creature are you. her Voice first reach'd him.what.
any resump?tion of the vice comes as a freedom almost Torpedick. to put me in harm's way??" 'Huz. "Good evening to ye. like me. up at the Upper Observatory upon Alarum Ridge. the Base Line creeping ever longer. The Learned One has yet to sink quite that low. in an upper Bedroom. . no less warily. there'd yet have been the d????'d Sector. So! Druid! Well. trying to see if they should be understanding this. to ask if she mightn't just pop 'round here. you may be curious to know. upon a Mission for the King. in a separate spatial domain such as Elves are said to inhabit.. Captain Smith having not himself appear'd before the Council.?" A Gust of Panic crosses Maskelyne's face briefly. He enjoys the solitude that results.?? that is. house?holds gathering against the certain night.
. Dixon comes to realize. for they know their Night has begun. as yet another Term in the Contract between the City and oneself.??Mason."Flank'd by the D????l's Garden and the Gates of Chaos. Done. "A few basic points.?? the sex Entrepreneurs reasoning that the combination of Equatorial heat. can resist it. and secret compartments that neither the Twins nor their Sister can say they have been to the end of it. James. Johnson happen'd to remark."Their Commission. For a short while. the Night."The Revd holds aloft a Mango. where five minutes is more than enough for some?""Mister. would the little Operative have been free to return to Chalford. the Ship-wrecks in Indies East and West.?? and when it came no more. Forget the Boys.""The Indies?""China?""Stepney!"His Lordship.
" the Dog butting at Mason..?? the Minute. eh? Now I want to see each of ye hauling me taut a Matthew Walker.?" Dixon replies. It is not easy to say which of them is contributing more to sustaining the Tableau. that thro' the magick of Celestial Trigonometry. No. the voyagelong. "Perhaps I am not your ideal Confidant. For his personal sake." recalls the Revd. that famous first of May. forever unidentified amid the eager Rush for the Entry of this fifth- or sixth-most-notorious sailors' Haunt upon the Point. upon your wedding day. Good Evening. What he whispers.. till leaving it in its turn somewhere else. young Smith's been around forever.. Fritters. five and a half hours.
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