Monday, November 8, 2010

Factors and Symptoms of Depression

Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:37 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 0:50:32

Depression is described as the sad or irritable behavior of the individual that has greater intensity and duration. It is a common illness, but is very serious and common among the people. It is caused due to the imbalance of chemicals, called the neurotransmitters, which carry signals to brain and nerves for communication. There are various other factors, which cause depression among the human beings. An individual can be depressed due to his own eating habits and physical conditions or due to the environment in which he is living. The eating habits of the individual, family history, eating disorders, smoking, stress and physical conditions of the individual, the loss of the loved ones of the individual are the factors that lead to depression among the human beings. The other important factors that leads to depression are:

1. Marital factor: If a person is happily married then chances of depression decreases.

2. Age: People of old ages are more prone to depression.

3. Heredity: If there is a family history then chances of depression increases.

4. Gender: The depression is found more in women than in women . A study shows that twenty five percent of women are suffering from depression in comparison to twelve percent of man. The factors for this difference are:

a. women are more sensitive than men.

b. women are full of emotions.

c. There is a frequent change in female hormones than in men.

d. Women feel more stress than man as they have to play various roles like wife and mother simultaneously with their work at home and office. They find it difficult to manage.

e. Men thinks that alcohol can provide them help to get rid of depression, but in reality it masks the depression. In comparison women are less addicted to alcohol.

5.Previous Episodes: If a person has suffered from depression once before then there are more chances in that person to develop it again.

There are many symptoms of depression that can be seen in an individual. If any individual comes across at east five or more of the above symptoms for more than two months, then it is a symptom of depression. These symptoms are as follows:

Feeling sad or feeling like crying in children and irritation in adults.

Loss of interest in performing routine work

Sudden gain or loss of weight of the individual

Not being able to concentrate and take decisions

The thoughts of death or suicide

Temporary loss of memory

Sleeping and eating disorders

Persistent pains, cramps and digestive problems

Fatigue and loss of energy

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