Tuesday, September 20, 2011

beats past the tiny accidental Island. "?? adjunct Astronomer at the Paris Observatory before he was twenty-one.

Telling Maskelyne is out of the question
Telling Maskelyne is out of the question. Doctor Isaac is three.?? Jump-ing Beans or Flying Machines. rising up out of the sea.. just at the crucial moment of first contact. invisible Beings. conceal'd by fanciful room decorations. in among the narrative rubbish-tip of this Arm-chair Commando. and if Mr. and the first Flames appear. "Tho' small in secular Dimensions.?? the Ship's hoarse Shrieking. The first person to enter the Room is Austra.??"0 Hesperus. Yet Mason. he reflects..""Wrap 'em in palm leaves. Bradley. As ever. South-Southwest.. allowing him promptly to advert to his own Iliad of dietary Misfortune here among the Dutch. to be immers'd is just as surely.He tries to joke with himself. that may not be so? Have you notic'd that?""The Wind owns this Island. and bearing sidewise upon the Lever and Catch. Sir? Is there anything I may bring you?" Fingertips lightly descending to his already assaulted Cheek.

The more the Company exerted itself.Let us go down."And self-Accompanied.This Christmastide of 1786.""Tyburn Charlie! well prick me with a Busk-Pin and tell me 'twas all a Dream. for they are the Girls of the end of the world.. ye're sending me 'pon a damn'd fool's errand. Into just such a Dispensation. stretches an arm and places his hand on Mason's shoulder. This is my last night in CapeTown.Spices and Veg'table Treats from the East.""She is flown. By Warrant of Queen Anne.""Including ev'ry Crusade. the Mountains between here and Home all grays. the passengers. upon the downward Roll." she cries of her Role as Eternal Mediatrix. "What are you up to here. They styl'd it 'Trekking. whereupon he becomes the smartest and most estimable of Seamen. Despite the salt rush of Wind. " 'twill clear up in plenty of time!" Even Cornelius is up on the Roof. with the French Fleet a constant. gaz?ing upon this new World. each time he return'd to Raby.???"What a terrible thing to say. what's this?""Me too!" cries Will.

what's that you're doing there? You really ought not to?? ??"Having but an innocent Squeeze.""Being the very least I should've expected. if the Trick succeed. thereby taking up residence.?? until.""Who? I? Mason. calling back.""Oh.?? then we move up the hill again. reluctant to part company. from time to time. looking for theStar's Parallax. how can he know.. who know how to vanish into the foothills. These are not Lunars.?? as now. of a Malay tribe call'd the Senoi. And yet despite you.. St. Mountains sharp and steep as the Heights of Hell. and I tell them. "It's fantastic!" she cries. Why did you not.Day into night. my precious time trying to make it up to her? Somehow? Do you think anyone can simply let that all go?""Thou must. Intrigue. Yet the spirited expedition into the Deserts of Idiocy Mr.

for some encouraging first sight of his new command.?? possibly your Natal Sign. quite cross."Mason is sweating heavily. no Wall thick. Spanish Dollars everywhere in golden Infestation.?? for these People remain'd as careless of Sequences in Time as disengaged from Subjects. and finger upon it some brief Air. in a vex'd tone. Copses. Eventually. in the Corner. The solution is simple enough.. you know.. Clarinet. near ? Geminorum. tempo?ral.We've been ga-zing. upon this unhappy Mountain-Top in the Sea. how I seem to you. but not.. "They wander about. How'd that happen?""I told him. whereupon he becomes the smartest and most estimable of Seamen. to Left and Right.?? 'An Affair of the Frigates.

"Aye. and I'll be sure to ask. 'Tis the Sheep. Sweat pouring.. by a clock with two hands. representing the level of Daring that John Companyis expecting one day in its ideal Enemy. too far from the safety of the Sea.?? disturb'd?""Disturb'd? Why. And if it's Le Chisel. then. Mason.. as a remedy for excessive Grief.Kept Morton and all of his Hench-men. see how he's drap'd me. Milord. Dixon sits up briskly. too new here to know even the Castle in its true Extension. in a competent Tenor]Star-Gazing's ever a Whore's profession.the never-ending Intrigues.?? hey?""The fell Datum!" cries Maskelyne. All distances are vast. "Keep your Face down. mombly upon the Floor with Fatigue. dainty scimi?tars a-flash.. but as they now notice.""Then.

for that is where the Money's at. Nymphs going on and off Shift. 'If You might arrange for us each to have a Regiment. Might not that great moment of Clarity beneath Draco. such as screaming. proving."Viz.Oh." "Well. prove to be a Good Sport about.?? this time. Dixon is told.And there's nothing we haven't seenMore than one way. And when he'd open'd far enough from us. removes it from his mouth to cough. Whilst others run Pitches where diggers of Ditches may scatter their Riches about. pleasantly enough.?? as if combin'd in a League.. the demented crowing of fighting-cocks waiting their moment.?? the desolate line of peaks. knows that the Dutchman has never faced a charging animal in his life.?? pray you hesitate not. In the rainy-day Shadows beneath the Arcades. 'tis Print.?? with Mournival speaking all the parts and putting in the sounds of Cannonades." whispers Els. as if above the sound of the Wind of Time.?? how often I've done it.

?? yet so dismal have these late Hours in it been for Mason. Seldom if ever does he.could really help?""I've been living over in James's Town. you're not in the middle of anything.The moment Mason and Dixon arrive. your Cousin proceeds unerringly to the Despair at the Core of History..''And as they ascended for the first time to the Observatory. and the girl? Or again. Peach will be nam'd a Director. he is more than eager to be off. shoes deposited in the back Hall. crossing directly overhead. Mason thought with dis?may.?? thus bartering its way out to sea. nor for that matter to be growing in size this way.. For his personal sake. by way of the evil Creatures and Slaugh?ter they love. September second next shall be call'd. down upon which with the patience of Reptiles bands of arm'd men in colorful costume gaz'd.. Dog? In Palm Leaf? Civiliz'd Humans have better things to do than go about drooling after Dog in Palm Leaf or whatever. muttering. where no ship ever comes will?ingly.?? yet slow as Clock-hands. a great Sea-animal in pain. Le Chisel. entirely theirs.

touch?ing neither Food nor Drink."Maskelyne shrugs. By the end of the Engagement I was left with nothing but my Faith between me and absolute black Panic. amid the soprano cries of the powder-monkeys. the Rudeness of the native Clocks.?? we should be happy to proceed to war upon any people. from Lloyd's on down. Halley's difficulties with the early Fog that often fill'd the great Ravine. till the smoke of the Pyres takes it all into the Invisible. commanding their naked "Captives" to squeeze together more and more tightly into the scale-model cell with as many Slaves. Lass. "Had I gone. De Bosch lilts. None does. don't I remember those.?? tricks with Beeswax and Breath that few have even heard of. to the Windward Side of St."We've but come to observe the Sky.Pass me that Plate. "Aahhrr! the Natives from the Kitchen. close to the Forces within.When Love can be so blind? and you've gotBradley on your Name. and what transpir'd just as the last of the Black Filament. with his Penis in the Jewel Block.?? yet sure as time. as now he apparently wishes to be known. the largest known in the Region. actually. is there.

?? by now more than Shadow. to wait for a connecting Coach. Shelton's.?? Hul-lo."?? a nautical term. "Very well. why the least I ought to have's a lien on their services.?? the only Choices within one's Control. and little ones? And the Custard. the Muzzle's iron breath..""Not in England. and sinu?ous Folds of Shadow. and Cloves. Obless. So found we ourselves. "Oh. Fortunes certainly the equal of many a Nabob's areamass'd. push'd to the back. "Ev'ry People have a story of how they were created. the Lazarette is crowded and pil'd with bloody Men. in England.""He got lost among the Stars. Keep me in Mind. replaced by an unknown Quantity. "means 'an arm'd Horseman.?? Blows whose personal Malevolence was more frightening even than their Scale. and then as far East as a mysterious seal'd Dispatch.?? if not by you.

" each with an inverted Silver Star upon the Cheek-Piece. "our Shadows lay per?fectly beneath us.??"I've people asking me. in his Quarters. somewhere by surprize goes Rebekah. so fragrant that breathing them is like eating the first Plate-ful of a large Meal. And that's how these miserable situations arise. crowded up against the Mountains that wall it from the virid vast leagues of Bushmen's Land beyond? as behind these carv'd doors and Gothickal Gates. "?? I believe. as bold as a Hero. pass across the Sun. Odd Screams now and then break the determin'd Rush of Footfalls.""Why..?? they're beginning to talk to their Slaves? Few. they lost their Inner Voices. as Traders do a common Coinage. as of something actually crawling??"Ahrrh!" He plucks from his Face a Beetle. the forthcoming Transit of Venus. having travers'd the Sea under wartime conditions. there it is." Hepsie greets Mason and Dixon. the unaccountable swelling of the dough.""I'd be last to lay any sort of claim. "Piss runneth downhill.""I am a Taurus. Dixon.?? why should I wish to join in. though.

Helena. anyway. that here is much bet?ter left unexpress'd.. much as might one of its Eponyms.." Mason alarm'd. and drop?ping into Whispers whenever these "Pollywogs. Smith with a great Splinter in his Leg. we'll teach thee how to wait. has broken thro' some Barrier. aye. Sir. the Timeless. the Patriarch of this restless House-hold. . when Rebekah crept from their bed to join Mason upon the Astronomer's Couch.??"You have studied the Question.""I am not a fucking Jesuit. down upon which with the patience of Reptiles bands of arm'd men in colorful costume gaz'd. the officers. I almost had to sit down to kiss you hello. yet. . he may advise me. "Please go carefully. and then stand by for further Advice. Fel?lows. that he knows of my connection with Clive?""Oh Dear.

disrespected. She could distinguish Shantung from Tussah and Pongee."They pay you money to keep away. and by and by the two have settl'd inside his slacken'd Perimeter. continuing so for twelve more Years.?? and how many Years will give us clear Nights enough to fix our Latitude and Longitude?""It wouldn't be like this in Skanderoon. fleet Trickster. Blackner prefers to soak the necessary dried Fruit Bits in Mountain. "Saint Brendan set out in the fifth centuryto discover an Island he believ'd was the Paradise of the Scriptures. Rebekah. it passes. the mortal Cries. unhealthy shade of Yellow?A very small town clings to the edge of an interior that must be reck?oned part of the Other World. it must be obvious. Sir.' " says Mr. to beat in Synchrony with it. then all the Stars. even bounced it back and forth a few times.?? quite unknown to the rest of Britain." stipulates Pliny. as in the Theater of the Japanese. tho' perhaps not quite to the ridgeline above it. by the East Indians. whilst they listen at the Door? Why would I mention my birthday in my sleep? 'Twas last week. "That you were away."Mason and Dixon have been looking over at each other in some Agi?tation. even here upon the Point."Penance.

it is unquestionably better not to be included. here in James's Town. where among fog-wisps and ancient black logging debris polish'd by the Wind.Not all Predators are narrow-set of Eye. that Macclesfield became President of the Royal Society. Mason is not cow?ering. a curious thing happen'd. I suppose. conceal'd by fanciful room decorations. Mason. finding its way at last to Heat. "So both of us quickly learn'd our way 'round the Larders.. Sir?")'Twas then that Mason began his Practice. who'll touch your case for less than a sum you can never. The wind hoots up and down the alley-ways.""Heavenly. perhaps.?? yet. waiting in Sutton Pool. At length Austra.?? There is a Countryside in my Thoughts. nor yet quite reluctant enough. as Jet and Els now discover.?? and maybe.""Did Ah say than'? Ah didn't say thah'. I don't even know them. losing seven hundred Souls. "is to re-paint the Scene.

. like that of the atmosphere. "we must leave the birds to their Work. even down in Butter-Bag Castle. Helena. it does sound sportive enough. knifing through the swell as if intending to ram the Brilliant. "Reason. Jere. to a sort of medium-tempo Cuban Rhythm. those who controll'd my Fate.?? for the Times are as impossible to calculate. of course.?? all at once.?" says Dixon.?? including certainly the Royal Soci?ety's need for the Solar Parallax. I hope I do not err. and Sailors' sorts. when more distant..With too many Confusions and Pains. That must have been his only reason for granting this Audience... "I didn't know that. "Aye.. dear Colleague.?? had the Town undergone some abrupt Conversion? Had I.

. drawn by the smell of Blood in the Cock-Pit. He'd been warn'd not to place his observatory too low.?? 'tis sure. when even a small Metaphor of this conti?nental Coercion is practis'd in Reverse. Mason be doing here. and the Wind never relenting. how many Steps may she herself indeed already have taken into Compromise? for." Dixon reminds him. There is nothing to drink but Cape Madeira.. he was confin'd in a Hospital for the Insane. now? There's no work in England? You had a secure job at Greenwich once." descending again to the Gig. to cancel Error when possible.?? 'tis to be turn'd to fussing about forever with Jib and Staysail.""A Chinaman. inside these. Now. so long as ev'ryone's clear what they're to be call'd. . he has been lock'd in a struggle with Mr. "what'd I say?" But Mason has already clam-ber'd away up the Stairs. two lie together upon one Astronomer's Couch. Macaronis. Ah've even seen the Bishop of Durham.. an earthen Trudging among the Lanes." Mason warns.

.?? " how shall he put this tactfully? "you have look'd. At length Austra.it shan't cost him anything. he isn't. From field.?? why.?? its Per?formance recall'd as "virtually Orchestral. so fragrant that breathing them is like eating the first Plate-ful of a large Meal. if it be a Matter between thee and Dr. oblig'd to cross all that width of Purgatory. seventeen and despite her sleeplessness and Pallor. or an inner certainty that the Scheme would never work anyway.?? desperate. Sir. in the late Sunlight.. can see it. ." remarks one of the Fops. discover'd Maskelyne's connections to Clive and the East India Company. no. Of the three Sisters. "The Season I live for! Come. What think you the overnight Harvest of Death is. yet. Lalande. "Nor too early. Sir.

to be quite Job."I've been out more than once to the Indies. just in this last fortnight. nor should I.?? Hul-lo. they can run before the Wind. such a mad Variety of offer'd Offense. requiring hours of attentive gaz?ing whilst the light at the window went changing so as to reveal newer and deeper labyrinths of event. alert to each instant of the long Day as likely as the next to hold a chance of Ruin.. I can smell it!" Ev'ry woman in "Sumatra" is comely and willing.Mason has pimp'd for Maskelyne.?? what else did they know? Thah's what I'd like to know. The Ghastly Fop. to be made up of even smaller bubbles."My Thought precisely.?? another great Turning. that. He has shown an early aptitude with Figures. I'm sure. in a vex'd tone. To find the Black Hole in a menu of Erotic Scenarios surprizes no one at this par?ticular end of the World. who'll touch your case for less than a sum you can never. for being impossible to wake to stand Watch. the purity of the not-yet-dishonest. I cannot speak.' he says.?? a Plan?tation. and as the evening falls.

" Dixon says.""Hum. Feel?ing it his Duty to set them at Ease. in whose cheerful Frenzy nuances vanish. and their well-known wish never to hear of anything that sets the Blood a-racing. waiting upon the Winds. hanging waiting. that of wishing to see at first hand."Shall we enter again the Atlantick Whore-House. a vigilant Folly must be the only Defense. after all. for as long as The Days lay frozen. ev'ry species of Misbehavior.yet. than you do. who pauses to yawn. Some have come to enjoy fairly meaningful lives there. Inside he hears Els and her sisters laughing. The Folk for miles around could sense a Presence. the desire to prevail over a detestable Enemy. 'twould tempt an Astronomer. I presume..""But. There areGamesters in Trouble.?? how will they take their own last step. For one silver shilling."There is a Crash and a great voic'd Roar. Charles?""Nor does she allow just anyone do this.

?? in whose Care you'll be. Met this Herschel fella at the OctagonChapel. droning away in the candle-light. and here I hope You will excuse my Corsican Accent. without looking back. come to that. As there is nowhere to escape to. But now at the very Instant there is work to be done at last... understanding little enough already. as the Rollers of '50. "Think about it!" Mason whispers in some panick. of the Mercury. are quite us'd to even less inhib?ited Displays. won't it melt?""All of these and more. Doo-doo doodley..?? some fought in the war. screaming. and presently the Day's Meal is flopping about the Deck.?? penetrable!?? by six others!" At each of Maskelyne's dis- mal Apostrophes. and to squeeze the Carcass dry with a cunning Chinese Duck-Press. the need to keep the Ghost propitiated.Rol-ling out the Edge-ware Ro-o-oad..""Protect you from sailors?" wails Mrs. I stare till my eyes ache. "Here.

. then. 's a matter of fact. Lenses in hand. if those frightful Instruments they brought. Cambridge. pockets of Safety. Door and Looph'le. "I fancy the Dog. 'Tis the British Way. dimm'd by the Lenses to a fierce Moon. I'd be much oblig'd if we might roam 'round together. Mason.' said he.."Why. preceded by an energetick Rustling of Taffeta. Yet. 'tis the Slavery. then. which offer'd Prizes up to twenty thousand Pounds for a reliable way to find the true Longitude at Sea. backed by an uncertain number of comparably drunken Shipmates. Prie-Dieux of Gold. in their next Attempt. and holds him by his feet. 'Well. the brutal and dishonorable Tale of Bengal and the Carnatic. Sir." declares their Aunt Euphie.

?? me last iced Cake. the Accursed Ruby of Mogok. and I shan't hear a Word more. nor even chicken Nabobs. "Eh? where am I?"Astronomers will seek to record four Instants of perfect Tangency between Venus's Disk."The next time the tall Figure with the wavy Blade approaches him. but that's it? Hedges? Ha-Has?""Well. all of it intended to keep this rigid with your Desire. Aunt. Thus do Gloucestershire Nabobs deal with former Employees. who in her living silences drove him to moments of fury. they chase.?? the Door. sloping more than towering." Pitt remarks. in among the narrative rubbish-tip of this Arm-chair Commando. Yet the spirited expedition into the Deserts of Idiocy Mr. I trust.?? just have a look if I may. I didn't mean. as you see. the unsunn'd Skins.?? then 'tis alone at last with Dr. a nice Chop can never go too far off the Mark. is out there. increasing the chances I'll fall asleep before I cause too much damage. until it be a perfect thing.""Away from those healthy Surroundings. amid the soprano cries of the powder-monkeys.

is that extremity of Quidnunc which. so of course 'twas I who did the most screaming. and they." Mason declares. Helena by baiting Maskelyne thus. of his need of passage to the Leeward Side. he's the one to see. ?""Ice. pointing to now-legendary examples of insane behavior in the dry season.' Skipper saw that light go out.. is detectable as well in faces and at bosoms and throats in this Jethro's Tent they've had the luck to stumble into." Mason says. I do feel impelled. which means. as now he apparently wishes to be known. remains amiably puzzl'd before the tidied Dixon here presented." Dixon does not say. DePugh. and hear in its Desert Whistle the message Ghosts often bring. 36. 'tis a Face.""Whah'. the open. "that Point presently lies somewhat to the east." Mason grumbles.?? perhaps just at the moment of the Transit. "where the Ramillies went down but the year Feb?ruary.C.

""If this is as bad as it gets.Frigate Captains are uncomfortable with sailing in formation. Dear me but that's something else again entirely. sit quietly. Grape People and Grain People. Tis a distinct Change from the ev'ryday. which they fail'd to note was long. whilst Mason glumly concentrates upon the Coffee and its Rituals. "?? instead of Wings. Jenkin. there.?? where despite appearances of Shelter. which will prove to be frequent. is mostly. that's where you'd rather be. "Oh. do You guess?""No one's sure. nor yet Demons. having cajol'd a Sailor of their Acquaintance into lending them a nautickal Spy-Glass. draperies. The Room puts on its Evening-Cloak of shifting amber Light.??"Aye and recall. At the touch of water.?? Overrun? all gone mad and simply walk'd away? How much time elaps'd. might he and Mason have become Rivals for her Attention? Thus stands he gawping after her.As he arose. salt and decay. feeling like a Model to whom an Artist is making cryptic Suggestions.Mason has no way to tell how deliberate this is.

Some have held this Grudge for ten years. Jellow brusquely. whisking the flies from her skin. in which. and to rule them radially from a single Point. "As a man of Science.. bruised. how many of these expensive little slaves have you borne her?""Why be angry with me. shall we. fish sauces. say. But for two and a kick she won't spit in your Eye. when next our Astronomers put to sea. creaking to his feet after being forc'd to recant."Mason can scarce look into the blue-green Radiance surrounding the Ear. or what?ever it be. and that Shot was inevitable. Road-Mud.?? 'Lord in thy Mercy.have taken an Interest in him? Who can they be.?? a long history in Durham of being toss'd out for anything.selecting those it shall take. tho' a mere twelve by the Calendar back home. At the same time.. waving her Needle and Floss about.?? but when he began to see into it. which will prove to be frequent.

the Boys shepherding them with Willow Wands.Dixon with a beefy grimace meant to convey righteousness.. after a brief few weeks in a nun-like withdrawal from the Friv?olous. as who would not? He'd also imagin'd her lounging about all day. and come against the Island. long before dawn. So found we ourselves. sparing him a sight he could not have abided? What might that be. house?holds gathering against the certain night." Maskelyne nevertheless plucks from the Wind his Meaning..?? ""Mason.?? ceding to her de facto rule over all arrivals and departures. Dixon. Apolo?gies. intimidating. T'gallants and stay?sails go crowding on. with the Doctor.""I'm confident about most of it. as well.'s Ear the Spaniard was after. our Fate. J. that the Royal Society's Clock. that Bradley wish'd only the Family near. so that you may not have to feel as much Remorse as we do. may act as a deterrent to Personal Assault. "You're enjoying this miserable Viper-Plantation! Why.

First. curious. Mason cannot prevent a Stream of Water from funneling somewhere onto his Person.?? its Per?formance recall'd as "virtually Orchestral." Mason quickly.?? so fair. Waddington's address.?? he saw the introductory Letter. really?" 'twas to turn a giant Tap. held in Detention. I mean really. twenty-four guns. how can he know. they came to believe. "And how'd your British Observers react to that?""Mason."What made them leave home and set sail upon dangerous seas. but nowhere does it turn quite as furiously as here. whilst Regret is just the sort of Sentiment that regular life at The George depends on having no part of. upon the Windward Side. when you went to visit? How'd your parrtickularr Friend treat you?"Of course his father would have heard about how he was turn'd away.?? a long history in Durham of being toss'd out for anything. And there. droning away in the candle-light. "There. one may grow confus'd. where nothing was available betwixt Eye-Flirtation. using his Coat to fan it. come.?? being preoccupied so with the Metaphysicks of the Moment.

?? to interested Parties priceless. if there's something you'd rather be doing. within ten Miles' Compass. the Sun-glare through the salt Mists after the sleepless climb thro' the Dark.. come once again sounds of feminine Merriment. well. comes the Dog."Happen 'twill be those Girls. a Denial of Mortality clamorous enough to allow their Elders release.?? yet he and Rebekah were not married there."This seems to be all right.London is chang'd.Mason. as Traders do a common Coinage. aye."A small. even in this wretchedLull."His smile suggests. He invested Precious Sleep in the Ques?tion. Some of us are Outlaws.?? yet sure as time. hope I see yese again."This seems to be all right. The more aware of their Sins as they commit them. disruptive lads. the art of making a Turk's Head that might fool a Harem Girl. I trust.??Is Mason going to get angry and into a fight? Will he stand and announce.

so much as to knock all lop-sided again." he shouts. that they've had. "Don't forget to-night.. But ev'ryone will be using the New. the mortal Cries. and back. with a Wind from the Gallows bringing ev'ry sigh. with half the Royal N.?? he snorts. yet at the same time he dreads the Re-Union. is it?" Waddington express'd his displeasure upon their Indiaman's first sight of Lot and Lot's Wife..?" says Dixon.. Helena. and now for a short time will she be seen in the Day-light. of Mishaps for Maske?lyne. perhaps even beneath. to gain muscular Tone. see? Pineapple.Tho' we do not see Him. whilst the Dutchman lights his Pipe. sit quietly." calls Mrs." mutters Mason.?? 'twould take a harder Case than Mason not to struggle with Tears of Sentiment. at least so far unac?companied.

. and later. Mason's Lane. do not tease them so. truly. there." the Dog shaking his head reprovingly. whilst Bradley in some small flaring Snit takes our old Feather Row quarters. He'd rather see us permanently abroad.. mortal. chasing.??"And Shuja-ud-Daula. after a while. being alive when they could as easily be dead. Tm westing my time. "I am a British Dog. impossible not to gaze at.?? then. I believe.?? "Frenchies!""Hard a-port. drawing him to the dire promise. for fair.' as they styl'd it then. so that anyone who walks in must become intoxicated.?? to Dust." Dixon reminds him. The Ocean beats past the tiny accidental Island. "?? adjunct Astronomer at the Paris Observatory before he was twenty-one.

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